Research projects
The department faculty is actively involved in a number of research projects at the regional, national, and international levels
International projects
- Cancer Genomics: Integrative and Salable Solutions in R/Bioconductor - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Davide Risso
- GPUaccelerated computing in Bioconductor - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Davide Risso
National projects – PNRR Extended Partnership
- AGE-IT - Ageing well in an ageing society - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Giovanna Boccuzzo
National projects – PRIN PNRR
- FORTIES: Fertility Over fortIES - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Alessandra Minello
- KinHealth: Beyond the nuclear family: Extended kinship and mental health in Italy - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Marco Tosi
National projects – PRIN
- CARONTE: Causes of deAth dependence stRuctures and the cOmpositioNaleffecT on ovErall mortality - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Stefano Mazzuco
- Complex graphical models for biological network science - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Alberto Roverato
- FER-MO: Italians’ FERtilityMOtivations in disorienting and uncertain time - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Maria Letizia Tanturri
- ICTAGE: Socio-demographic determinants of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) use among older people in Italy - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Bruno Arpino
- MEMIMR: Measurement Errors and Missing Information in Meta-Regression - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Annamaria Guolo
- PRICE: A new paradigm for high-frequency finance - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Massimiliano Caporin
- RISE: Rethinking and InnovatingStatistics for Extremes - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Antonio Canale
- SOFIA: SOcial health Frailty as determinants of Inequality in Ageing - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Giovanna Boccuzzo
Regional projects
- STEM byte – «Equilibrio di genere nei saperi Scientifici e Tecnologici» - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Alessandra Minello
Projects supported by private foundations
- RESILIENCE - Extreme Storms in the Italian North-East: frequency, impacts and projected changes - Scientific Responsible for the Department: Antonio Canale