Speaker | Title | Date & Location | Abstract |
 | Roberto Molinari Department of Mathematics and Statistics - Auburn University (USA) | Simulation-based Differentially Private Inference for Categorical Data | 27-06-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Han Li Centre for Actuarial Studies, Department of Economics - University of Melbourne (Australia) | Causes of death mortality forecast reconciliation | 07-06-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Alessia Caponera Department of Economics and Finance - LUISS Guido Carli (Italy) | Multiscale inference for time-dependent spherical random fields | 06-06-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Andrew Harvey Faculty of Economics - University of Cambridge (UK) | Hidden Threshold models with applications to asymmetric cycles in Antarctica ice volume and US unemployment | 23-05-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Nancy Reid Department of Statistical Sciences - University of Toronto (Canada) | Inference under model misspecification | 16-05-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Nina Deliu MEMOTEF Dept. - Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) | Designing experiments via bandit algorithms: modeling considerations for better outcomes | 9-05-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | José Fernando Vera Vera Department of Statistics and Operational Research - Universidad de Granada (Spain) | On the performance of K-means clustering for dissimilarity data. Application in the dynamic time warping framework for time series | 19-04-2024 12:30 Room SC 60 |  |
 | Laura Anderlucci Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati" - Università degli Studi di Bologna (Italy) | Model-based clustering of high dimensional data via Random Projections | 18-04-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Thomas Berrett Department of Statistics - University of Warwick (UK) | On robustness and local differential privacy | 11-04-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Pierfrancesco Alaimo Di Loro Università di Roma LUMSA | Semi-parametric estimation of a spatio-temporal Hawkes process for modelling car accidents | 04-04-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Mirko Signorelli Mathematical Institute - Leiden University | Statistical methods for the dynamic prediction of survival in settings with numerous longitudinal predictors | 03-04-2024 14:30 Room SC30 |  |
 | Leonardo Egidi Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali, Matematiche e Statistiche Università degli Studi di Trieste | Prediction, skepticism, and the Bayes Factory | 28-03-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Annibale Biggeri Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular Sciences and Public Health - University of Padua | Environmental Epidemiology and the use of Science for Policy | 14-03-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Simon Wood School of Mathematics - University of Edinburgh (UK) | On Neighbourhood Cross Validation | 12-03-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Ainhoa-Elena Leger The Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics - University of Southern Denmark | Smoothing trends and seasonality in short-term mortality forecasting | 07-03-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Lieven Clement Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics - Ghent University (Belgium) | Juggling with offsets unlocks bulk RNA-seq tools for fast and scalable differential detection, usage and aberrant splicing analyses | 06-03-2024 16:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Robert B. Gramacy Department of Statistics - Virginia Tech (USA) | A surrogate modeling journey through Gaussian processes modeling for computer simulation experiments | 04-03-2024 14:30 Room SC 60 |  |
 | Angela Carollo Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Germany) | Multiple Time Scales in Survival and Event-History Models | 29-02-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Mar Rodríguez-Girondo Department of Biomedical Data Sciences - Leiden University Medical Center (Netherlands) | Statistical methods for biological age estimation: past, present, and future perspectives | 22-02-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Peter Brandon Department of Sociology - University at Albany (USA) | Do intergeneration household structures reflect differences in American middle school students’ school experiences and engagement in schoolwork? | 13-02-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Matt Wand School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences -University of Technology Sydney (Australia) | The generalized linear mixed model leading terms | 08-02-2024 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Ida D'Attoma Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche - Università degli Studi di Bologna - Italy | Consumers green awareness trends: how to assess it through a composite index | 19-01-2024 12:00 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Augusto Cerqua Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali ed Economiche - Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
| The Machine Learning Control Method for Counterfactual Forecasting | 16-01-2024 14:30 Room SC60 | |
| Arianna Calistri Department of Molecular Medicine - University of Padua | The chaos law is a principal driver of natural selection: A proposition on the evolution of recently emerged coronaviruses | 12-12-2023 12:00 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Elena Stanghellini Department of Economics - University of Perugia | On latent and selection nodes in graphical models for binary variables | 07-12-2023 14:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Xiao-Li Meng Department of Statistics - Harvard University - USA | Privacy, Data Privacy, and Differential Privacy | 17-11-2023 12:30 Room Benvenuti |  |
 | Iqraa Meah Sorbonne University - France | Controlling False Discovery Proportion (FDP) in structured data sets | 10-11-2023 12:30 Room Benvenuti | |
 | Olivier Renaud Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - University of Geneva - Switzerland | Mixed effect models: the role of the choice of the model for the random part | 20-10-2023 12:30 Room Benvenuti | |
 | Bruno Arpino Department of Statistical Sciences - University of Padua - Italy | Doing research on shifting sands: causal inference and machine learning in the social sciences | 13-10-2023 12:30 Room Benvenuti | |
 | Andrea Sottosanti Department of Medicine - University of Padua - Italy | Co-clustering of Spatially Resolved Transcriptomic Data | 06-10-2023 12:30 Room Benvenuti | |
 | Mattia Stival Department of Economics - Ca' Foscari University of Venice - Italy | Doubly-online changepoint detection for monitoring health status during sports activities | 06-10-2023 12:30 Room Benvenuti | |