
Admission to the University’s Research Doctorate Courses is governed by a competition that allocates scholarships on the basis of comparative merit. Comparative assessment is made by the Boards of Examiners (one per Course), appointed according to the University regulations. After the selection process has been completed, each Board of Examiners draws up a merit list. Scholarships are allocated according to the ranking established in the merit list. Applicants must have a 2nd cycle degree or a single cycle degree from an Italian university or an equivalent qualification from other countries of at least four years' duration. 

For courses that will start in the next cycle (XLI - date of start 1st November 2025), the call for applications will be published from April 8 until May 13 2025, at the page ; English version on the page .

The studentship competition is open to applicants holding a 2nd cycle degree or a single degree from an Italian University or an equivalent qualification from other countries of at least four years' duration. Basic quantitative prerequisites are assumed.

The application must be submitted following the online procedure that will be linked in the call, deadline 30 days after the publication. 

The grants are awarded on the basis of qualifications and an interview. Qualifications include: undergraduate and/or master degrees transcripts of records, curriculum, scientific publications, GRE and TOEFL (if available) and at most 2 letters of recommendation (which must be submitted following the instructions on the application form). Only candidates successful in the qualifications evaluation will be admitted to the interview.

Having already been awarded the degree is not necessary for the application, but it is necessary to obtain the degree within 30th September 2025.  The CV has to be compiled according to the template CV_XLI (pdf, doc version available upon request) and uploaded along with the record of exams and marks of first and second cycle degrees.

For the XLI cycle, there are 6 available positions, all covered by a scholarship. The award will be for three years, subject to satisfactory progress. The gross annual amount of the scholarship is 18,643.00 euros, in accordance with the amount set by the D.M. MUR n. 247 of 23/02/2022, equal to € 16,243.00 increased by an annual supplement quota of € 2,400.00 from Department budget.

Moreover, foreign candidates who have been awarded a minimum three-year scholarship by some international scientific committee (e.g., Marie Curie or Erasmus Mundus scholarship) can be admitted extra quota.

Interested candidates are highly encouraged to contact for further information.