News archive

PhD Students Seminars

Thesis Presentation December 12th, 2023 | Cycle XXXVI - Room SC60 - On line

14:30 | Daniele GirolimettoForecast reconciliation: Methodological issues and applicationsSupervisor prof. T. Di Fonzo 15:10 | Elena BortolatoAdvancements in Distribution Sampling for Statistical InferenceSupervisor prof. L. Ventura 15:50 | Riccardo De SantisVariance-invariant inference for


PhD Students Seminars

Thesis Presentation December 13th, 2023 | Cycle XXXVI - Room Benvenuti - On line

14:30 | Thien Phuc TranAdvances in Control Risk RegressionSupervisor prof. A. Guolo 15:10 | Andrea MascarettiBayesian Sparse Model for Complex DataSupervisor prof. A. Canale video conference: 


PhD Students Seminars

Final Examination | Cycle XXXV - Online


09:00 | Fariborz SetoudehtazangiRobust Mixture Models for Modeling and Clustering Complex Time Series Data  CommissionP. Coretto, F. Laurini, F. Lisi video conference: 


PhD Students Seminars

Intermediate Seminars | Cycle XXXVII - October 27, 2023 - Room Benvenuti - On line


10:30 | Mehwish ZamanFlexible models for coherent estimation of rainfall extremesSupervisor I. Antoniano Villalobos 11:00 | Farooq AhmadHydroelectric Diffusion:  A cross-country study  (Results and Perspectives)Supervisor L. Finos video conference:


PhD Students Seminars

Intermediate Seminars | Cycle XXXVII - October 4, 2023 - On line


14:30 | Daniele ZagoStatistical process monitoring of mixed-type data and efficient control chart designSupervisor G. Capizzi 15:00 | Davide AgnolettoBayesian inference for generalized linear models via quasi-posteriorsSupervisor B. Scarpa 15:30 | Silvia ScarpaStatistical inference for the quantile
