CARONTE workshop on advances in causes of death modelling - Padova, July 8-9
Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padua - Via Cesare Battisti 241, Padua
Dal 08.07.2024 al 09.07.2024
On July 8 – 9, 2024 (Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padova - Room SC 140) there will be a two-days workshop where preliminary results will be presented by the different units, increasing the occasions of collaborations and discussions with other experts in the field. The workshop will feature also two invited talks by Monica Alexander and Alberto Roverato on topics of direct interest for the projects.
This workshop features also contributions by project "The pre-Covid-19 stall in life expectancy in Italy: looking for explanations".
CARONTE PRIN–MIUR 2022 Grant - Title: "Causes of deAth dependence stRuctures and the cOmpositioNal effecT on ovErall mortality" [2023 – 2025]
Keywords: Demography, Statistics, Functional Data Analysis, Compositional Data, Graphical Models
To attend the workshop, please complete the registration form at this link: REGISTRATION