Causes of deAth dependence stRuctures and the cOmpositioNaleffecT on ovErall mortality

Scientific Responsible for the Department: Stefano Mazzuco

Funder: MUR - PRIN 2022

Objectives: CARONTE bridges demography and recent advancements in functional data analysis, compositional data analysis, graphical models and discrete choice models, to develop a unique statistical modeling framework which can learn the complex systems of graphical dependencies behind causes of death and unveil their combined effects on overall mortality. This will allow to:

  • Explain the dynamic co–evolution of causes of death patterns, while understanding how variations in the incidence of one cause, or groups of causes, affect current and future dynamics of the other causes.
  • Explain trends in overall mortality, along with their differences across countries and cohorts, in terms of causes of death co–evolution.
  • Study and forecasting the impact of potential mortality shocks (e.g., covid–19) and health policies on the composition, dependence and dynamics of causes of death patterns.


  • University of Padova
  • Bocconi University
  • University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’

Duration: October 2023 – October 2025

Project website: