Workshop “A Journey Through the Life Course Stages”
New Research Projects of the Socio-Demographic Team at the University of Padova
11.00-11.15 Welcome
Giovanna Capizzi, Director of the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Padova
11.15-13.00 Morning session: “Health, wellbeing and ageing”
Chair: Virginia Zarulli, University of Southern Denmark
- Measure and determinants of frailty from a life course perspective – Giovanna Boccuzzo, Department of Statistical Sciences - University of Padua
- Beyond the nuclear family: Extended kinship and mental health in Italy (KinHealth) – Marco Tosi, Department of Statistical Sciences - University of Padua
- Socio-demographic determinants of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) use among older people in Italy (ICTAGE) – Bruno Arpino, Department of Statistical Sciences - University of Padua
- Causes of deAth dependence stRuctures and the cOmpositioNal effecT on ovErall mortality (CARONTE) – Stefano Mazzuco, Department of Statistical Sciences - University of Padua
Lunch break
14.30-16.00 Afternoon session: “Fertility and births”
Chair: Irene Barbiera, Department of Statistical Sciences - University of Padua
- Fertility Over forties (FORTIES) – Alessandra Minello, Department of Statistical Sciences - University of Padua
- Italians’ FERtility MOtivations in disorienting and uncertain time (FER-MO) – Maria Letizia Tanturri, Department of Statistical Sciences - University of Padua
- E-registo, E-xisto! Strengthening and modernizing the civil registry and demographic statistics in Mozambique – Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna and Maria Castiglioni, Department of Statistical Sciences - University of Padua